Wednesday, July 25, 2012

7/25/12 Lesson

Most of my students needed to work on multiplication skills. I had taught a lesson before during my undergraduate experience that allowed me to work on this skill and I thought my students this time around would like it as well. I gave my students twizzlers and skittles and had my children make the groups of with twizzlers and put the skittles in for each group. I gave the students some guided practice to make sure they understood what they were to be doing and then had them do some independent practice as well. I was happy with my lesson overall but there are a few things I would change if I taught the lesson again.
What I Liked About My Lesson: One of my children that never enjoy whole group instruction seemed to really enjoy himself. Also all of my children were engaged in the lesson and seemed to be really enjoying themselves.
What I What Change Next Time: I wrote the problem two different ways so if I were to teach this lesson again I would write the problems the same way the whole way through the lesson.  I would also try to make the independent practice more structured to so all of the children were not calling out the answers.   One way to have made it more structured would have been to have them write their answers down instead of just calling out. This would also allow me a better way of assessing the lesson afterwards.


  1. I like the addition of food. That is a good engagement strategy!

  2. It was a great lesson! The students loved doing math wtih sweet treats!!

  3. I like using food in lessons. Froot loops would have been good to use too. It was a fun lesson!
